My show break continues this week and next as I prepare a new format and content, but I have video for these two weeks to tide you over till our next series. This is number one of two talks I did last month in St. Louis, and they segue perfectly into our next study series (which is why I am sharing them). Next week I will send you part two.
Along with the new series coming up, I have been working on something else new for you. Here’s a hint!
Can you guess what this might have to do with Bible study? : )
This Week’s Video
Episode Resources
Catholic Women for Christ 2017, filmed in the Archdiocese of St. Louis by St. Joseph Evangelization Network.
I’ll share more in the coming weeks, but the LOVE the Word(TM) Initiative is a full-immersion Bible study method based on Mary’s own practice. It’s lectio divina, or holy reading according to 2000 years of Church tradition – without the Latin. We learn to LOVE the Word like Mary, from Mary. You’ve been practicing it with me, now for a couple of months, as many of the shows in the Magnificat series included LOVE the Word(TM) exercises.
Now, every week’s show includes a LOVE the Word(TM) exercise based on one of four personalities, or “prayer forms,” explored in Prayer and Temperament, by Chester Michael and Marie Norrisey: Ignatian, Augustinian, Franciscan, and Thomistic. As I share the videos for this week and next, in short form, LOVE the Word goes like this:
Listen (Receive the Word)
Observe (Connect the passage to recent events.)
Verbalize (Pray about your thoughts and emotions.)
Entrust (May it be done to me according to your word!)
I can’t wait to share the whole initiative with you! See you in a couple of weeks :)
Watch it again!
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Thank you for being part of the #evangelistaevolution where we’re loving and lifting all we’ve been given!
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Can you guess what I’m doing with the chairs?
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Sonja, this talk from St. Louis was absolutely wonderful! Thank you, dear sister in Christ! I sure hope our paths cross sometime in our lives. i feel like we are “soul sisters”. You speak right to my heart and soul! You are just lovely …..the very light of Christ.
I await my emails from you like a child anticipating dessert????????????. Truth is so sweet.
I pray for your ministry every day.
You have no idea how thankful for your prayers I am. Specifically, please pray for “a manifestation of the trinity of intentions.” Thank you for “loving and lifting me” with your sweet note!
Ditto to Janice’s thoughts. A friend and I listen and share. We hope to meet you one day at a conference!!!????????????????????????✨????????
There are No Words to describe our feelings of love and sisterhood with you.
FYI-there are a great many Healing’s going on that I’ve become aware of. God’s mighty power and Merciful Love is being Unleashed upon us!!…you’ve have had a hand in this!!
???????? for a “manifestation of the trinity of intentions”
For you , dear sister-in-Christ ????
Thank you Janet :)